The QSL is ready for sending. To request it, please send your QSL via the Bureau. Of course you must be in the log. The direct requests will be answered via the Bureau too.
I received this sad news right now. I1UJX passed away today at 19 UTC. Giovanni was well know to the ham community for building his great vertical antenna, used in many DXpeditions. We lost another great value person. RIP my friend.
The holiday is over.... Here there are the details about QSOs and some pics. Thankyou guys for calling me. I will reply to every QSL received (via Buro).
Yesterday I installed my new antenna. This new Hy-Gain AV-640 replaces the Eco Antenne 7+ after 2 years of good service and DX (251 countries worked). The major reason of this replace is the low power handling of the 7+ in the 40m band. The antenna is installed @ 18 m. above de ground and 2 m above the roof. The antenna is guyed because of strong winds in my area.