domenica, ottobre 21, 2012

The fascinating Morse Code alphabet as you've never heard before

Vadrum (aka Andrea Vadrucci) is an Italian drums player. He is one of the top 500 most famous drummers of all time for the website You can see other videos on his Youtube channel that has over 65 million views.
I think Vadrum is not an amateur radio operator, but this nice video, once again, highlights the strong relation between CW and music. "The fastest way to learn a new language? Obviously by playing it!" he said.

martedì, luglio 05, 2011

IOTA NA-045 Activation

I’m pleased to announce my IOTA Holiday Style Dxpedition.

I will be active as XE3/IZ2LSC (mainland) from 26 July to 8 August 2011 and as XF3/IZ2LSC from Isla Mujeres, IOTA NA-045 from 9 to 14 August 2011.

According to RSGBIOTA website the Island has been credited to only 30.5% of participants.

Transmission will be on 30 to 6 meters on CW, SSB and Digital modes.

QSL is direct: via EB7DX, buro: via my homecall or LOTW.

All the details are available on

sabato, maggio 28, 2011

"Lightenstein 2011" Light Dxpedition to Liechtenstein

Hello fellows,

We are happy to announce our HB0 Dxpedition rebranded as “Lightenstein 2011″, to stress our lightweight and environment-friendly approach.
The activity will take place from 2 to 5 June 2011.

With this first experience we are underway to experiment a “green” way to DX, based upon a deeper attention on ecological thematics and trying to follow a good practice to have less CO2 impact.

A website is online for all further informations before, during and after the operations (

Best 73s and a lot of DX!

Andrea, IZ2LSC

martedì, maggio 03, 2011

3A/IZ2LSC log online

The 3A/IZ2LSC log search tool is online here:
Please email me for any error correction.
In a couple of days the log will be uploaded on LoTW.


lunedì, aprile 18, 2011


I will be active from the Principality of Monaco (3A) during the weekend from 30th April to 1st May.
I will use a light multiband vertical antenna and 100W.
I will try to operate on HF band (40-10 m) in SSB and CW.
Because I'm a beginner in CW be patient and please QRS.
QSL is via buro to my homecall or via LoTW.
You can follow me on twitter: @iz2lsc


giovedì, marzo 31, 2011


Un pescatore africano torna a casa con la sua piroga e incontra uno straniero, un esperto che opera nel mondo degli affari in gita turistica in questo paese in via di sviluppo. L’esperto gli chiede come mai è rientrato così presto. Il pescatore risponde che avrebbe potuto trattenersi più a lungo, ma che aveva pescato quanto bastava per provvedere alla famiglia.
Mi dica un po’, come impiega il suo tempo?, chiede l’esperto.
Il pescatore risponde:” Beh, vado un po’ a pesca. Gioco con i miei figli. Ci facciamo tutti un pisolino, specialmente all’ombra di un banano quando c’è questa calura. La sera ceniamo insieme. Più tardi mi godo un po’ di musica con gli amici, ecc”.
L’esperto lo interrompe:” Senta, ho una laurea e ho studiato queste cose. Vorrei aiutarla. Dovrebbe trascorrere più tempo a pescare. Guadagnerebbe di più e in poco tempo sarebbe in grado di acquistare una barca più grande di questa piroga. Con una barca più grande guadagnerebbe ancora di più e presto potrebbe avere una flottiglia di motopescherecci”.
“E poi?”, domanda il pescatore.
“Poi, invece di vendere il pesce a un intermediario, potrebbe trattare direttamente con lo stabilimento che lo lavora o addirittura mettere su un’industria di prodotti ittici. Potrebbe lasciare il villaggio e trasferirsi a Cotonou, a Parigi, Roma o a New York, e dirigere l’azienda da lì. Potrebbe perfino valutare la possibilità di quotare le sue azioni in borsa e diventare miliardario”.
“Quanto tempo richiederebbe tutto questo?”, chiede il pescatore.
“Più o meno dai 15 ai 20 anni”, risponde l’esperto.
“E poi ?”, continua il pescatore.
“E’ a questo punto che la vita si fa interessante”, spiega l’esperto.
“ Poi potrebbe andare in pensione. Potrebbe lasciarsi alle spalle il trambusto della città e ritirarsi in qualche villaggio sperduto”.
“E poi?”, chiede nuovamente il pescatore.
“Poi avrebbe il tempo di andare un po’ a pesca, giocare con i figli, di farsi un riposino pomeridiano quando fa caldo, di cenare con la famiglia e di godersi un po’ di buona musica con gli amici”.

Ma è quello che faccio ogni pomeriggio quando rientro dalla pesca... ribattè il pescatore!

sabato, gennaio 22, 2011


I'm very happy to be one of the T70DXC team.
We will be on air from San Marino Club station from 11 to 12 February to celebrate the first year of the online dx magazine DxCoffee.

"Transmissions will be 24/24h on all bands and multimode. Three active stations, at least, will be provided on HF bands with these radios: IC-756 pro III, IC-7400, FT-950 and some amplifiers.

A Logarithmic multiband antenna and a Spiderbeam will be available for high bands. Two monoband verticals for 40 and 30m. A duoband vertical, 20m hight, and a system of directional beverage for 80 and 160m.

A beacon on 6m will be set up to ensure that the special call and the precious locator (JN63FW) despite the period not so good for this band. If there are good conditions we try to conduct QSOs.

During the weekend of the DxCoffee Party there will be the contest WPX RTTY 2011, a station will be dedicated to this contest. Each station will be equipped with filters to ensure interoperability.

The aim will be to ensure a successful QSO with our exclusive special call on more bands as possible with special focus on the WARC bands, on digital modes and on the low bands, where San Marino is mostly wanted."

This will be a great time meeting a lot of friends from around the globe and enjoying with the pileup.

Info on

martedì, dicembre 14, 2010

giovedì, settembre 30, 2010

ZS8M: terrain profile toward nord Italy

Very few the times I could hear Pierre ZS8M from Marion Island, and always with very weak signals.
It's quite odd because south Africa is easy readable here in Nord Italy, but this is not the case of ZS8M.
recently I read an interesting article on DXCoffee so I decided to check what is the terrain profile toward north Italy.
In the picture below you can see what ZS8M can see out of his window in the north direction.

And this is the terrain profile beaming at 340 degrees: as you can see he has a 80 m. high hills at a distance of 1.4 km.

So, the location doesn't seem so favourable to working him from north Italy.... but I will try again in the next days.

sabato, settembre 25, 2010

domenica, settembre 12, 2010

domenica, settembre 05, 2010

sabato, luglio 03, 2010

Ireland Tour

From July 30 to August 15 me and my wife will ride for Ireland.
Below you can see the stages of our tour.
I'd love to meet some Irish Amateur Radio Operator , if only for a pint of stout beer.
If someone is close to the cities on my route and wants to meet me, please send me an email using my address on


mercoledì, giugno 09, 2010

Dxpedition EU-110: Logs, images, video

The IOTA Activation is over.
Thanks everyone who called us.
The website was updated with the final logs, images and video.
Check it out on


giovedì, maggio 27, 2010

Dxpedition EU-110: Ready to go!!!

The antennas tests were completed with excellent results. Now we are ready to go.
Tomorrow morning we will begin our trip to Croatia.
We will focus especially on DX (JA, U.S., VK, ZL, etc.) and try to exploit any opening also working during the night. We want to give the opportunity to contact EU-110 to amateur radio operators outside Europe. You can report openings via SMS to the mobile number published on the dxpedition website:

See you on air, 73!

giovedì, aprile 29, 2010

Antenna testing for Dxpedition Sveti Nikola EU-110

I took some pics during the antenna test.
That's me and Giovanni checking the resonance.

More pics can be found on

giovedì, aprile 15, 2010

EU-110 Dxpedition

I would like to inform you that me (IZ2LSC), Giovanni (I2OGV), Ivano (I2RFJ), Giuseppe (I2ZBX) and Diego (IZ2AMV) will be active from St. Nikola Island (IOTA EU-110) from 28th May to 2nd June 2010. We will use the calls 9A/homecall. We will be active on 80-6 M SSB, CW and RTTY with 3 or 4 stations.

QSL is via Buro or Direct to our homecall.

Info and online logs on

Most likely, on the island , we will not have a permanent Internet connection. So we thought to provide an innovative service: a mobile phone number where you can send us SMS. Use it to communicate suggestions, propagation openings and everything you feel useful to the dxpedition.
The number is +39 392 241 8274 (we will not answer to phone calls).

Thanks for spreading this notice.




sabato, gennaio 30, 2010

Lost Islands Video

This is a great video for a great DXpedition
In 2001 I wasn't a ham licensed operator yet, and then I could not take part to this event, but I'm really excited seeing this video.
I'd love to hear some stories of who was there and lived this dxpedition trying to get a QSO.