domenica, luglio 06, 2008

I2RFJ video

Yesterday I went to I2RFJ Ivano’s house to test the end-fed Zeppeling antenna that I will bring with me to Azores. All the tests are fine, so the antenna is ready to go. I also recorded a video clip about his station and his wonderful antenna system. (Optibeam OB 11-5 for 12/12/15/17/20 installed in May 2008).
In the video you can see him working CW (morse code), please note how is easy for him to manipulate the key at high speed.
Ivano is a licensed ham since 1974 (when I was born!!!) so he has a great experience in ham communication. He is a friend and also a nice teacher for me.
Enjoy the video.

4 commenti:

Franganghi ha detto...

Non avevo mai visto utilizzare il morse nella realtà! Sempre solo fiction.

Il tuo amico mi ha lasciato a bocca aperta. Più che altro capisco l'esperienza, ma come fa a CAPIRLO in tempo reale???


Andrea ha detto...

In tempo reale e senza scrivere!!!

ik2xnw Gianluca ha detto...

Beh, per Operatori come lui e' come per i comuni mortali il parlare... hehe

Racine Irrigation ha detto...

Nice bllog you have