Yesterday I installed my new antenna.
This new Hy-Gain AV-640 replaces the Eco Antenne 7+ after 2 years of good service and DX (251 countries worked).
The major reason of this replace is the low power handling of the 7+ in the 40m band.
The antenna is installed @ 18 m. above de ground and 2 m above the roof.
The antenna is guyed because of strong winds in my area.
3 commenti:
Hello Andrea,
Nice pictures!
Can you already tell us something about the differences between the former Eco and this Hy-Gain antenna in terms of background noise, signal levels etc. ?
'73 Mark, PA5MW
Hello Mark,
it's difficult to compare the 2 antenna without having them installed in the same time.
Anyway it seems that the background noise is lower than the Eco, and in tx the av-640 works better the dx.
It could be only lucky, but yesterday I worked for the first time Monaco. With the Eco I never had this chance.
Now I have to wait the winter to compare the behaviour when the antenna get wet. With the Eco the SWR changed a lot..... let's see....
hello Andrea,
still happy with the AV-640?
73's Gino/on4gin
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